If you’re thinking about educating your children in Victoria there are a few things to consider so you can make the best choices for your child.

Regardless of whether you’re considering a Public, Private or Catholic school, providing your children with the education that is best for them is going to cost money. Having a child education plan in place to help you navigate the increasing costs of education can be a great start.

There are a lot of factors that go into deciding which school to send your children to. And with good reason. Most children are likely to be at school for 13 years (Foundation to Year 12).


But thinking about it early and planning for the future can help keep your options open. Saving for your child’s education earlier, can help reduce financial stress, letting you focus on choosing the best school for your child.

Which type of school is best for your children?


Whether you plan on sending your children to a Private, Catholic or Public school, there are a few things you’ll need to consider to help you make the decision.




The facilities a school has or has access needs to be considered should your child have an interest in things such as music, sport, the arts, language, science, or other extra-curricular activities. While private schools may offer swimming pools, gyms and recording studios, are they things your child will benefit from? Or does the local public school also have access to what your child needs?




Many parents consider cost to be the determining factor, but not always the most important when choosing a school.

By planning ahead and creating a child education plan to help cover the costs of your child's education, you will ease some of the financial burden when the time comes to decide on the best school for your child.


Cost of school fees in Victoria


The recently released Futurity Investment Group Cost of Education Index, shows Victoria is Australia’s 2nd most expensive state for education. The index considers all costs, providing an accurate guide to what parents should expect to pay comparing Public, Private and Catholic schools. While the costs can be a little confronting, knowledge is power. And it can help you understand what plans you need in place to keep all options open.

Total estimated cost of education for a child starting school in Victoria in 2023**



(regional & remote)


Public school fees in Melbourne and Victoria


Although many people think that public schools in Victoria are free, there are costs parents don’t always think about or factor into their budget. While there are no compulsory tuition fees for public schools, there are “extra” costs you may need to cover. Think uniforms, devices, excursions, camps, transport, sports uniforms, music instruments, extra tuition and parent contributions.


Many parents can get caught out, thinking public education is free. But the total cost of a Government education in Melbourne over 13-years is substantial.


Total estimated cost of education for a child starting public school in 2023**



(regional & remote)


Private school fees in Melbourne and Victoria


Private school fees can absorb a fair chunk of the family budget, but that doesn’t mean they have to be out of reach. Private Schools are also referred to as Independent Schools.


Private school fees in Melbourne will cost parents $307,508 over 13 years, 17% more than the national average ($300,233) for a child starting school in 2023


Total estimated cost of education for a child starting private school in 2023**


(regional & remote)


Below is a breakdown of private school fees in Melbourne parents can expect for a child starting at an private school this year:

  • School fees ($10,630)
  • outside tuition ($1,767)
  • school camps and school excursions ($783)
  • transport ($616)
  • uniforms and textbooks ($658)

Most private schools in Victoria either froze or limited fee increases over the last few years due to the impacts of COVID-19 lock downs. Many even offered fee relief to struggling families to avoid losing students. In the 2023 school year, Private School tuition fees have risen by an average of 5%.


Catholic school fees in Melbourne and Victoria


Catholic education provides children with academic learning combined with Christian values, providing parents with an alternative to public and private schooling. According to The Australian Bureau of Statistics data, 20 percent of Victorian primary school students attend Catholic schools.


Catholic school fees in Melbourne and Victoria tend to fall somewhere in between Public and Private Schools.


Total estimated cost of education for a child starting Catholic school in 2023**


LocationCatholic school


(regional & remote)


Catholic Schools enrol students from Catholic families as their first priority, however will usually enrol non-Catholic families if positions are available. If you’re considering a Catholic education, Melbourne is the second most expensive city in Australia for a child starting school this year.

Planning for education costs


The best way to take control of your child’s future is to plan ahead to meet future education costs. And the first step is to understand the true cost of your child’s education.


Australia’s current economic downturn is making things even more challenging for parents. With less discretionary money to spend, it’s harder for families to meet their cost of living expenses, which means parents who have planned and saved may be better prepared for the future.


Futurity can help you discover the Cost of Education and understand how much your children’s education may cost.
Once you know what you’ll be up for, you’ll be in a better position to look at how you’ll save so you aren’t limited by cost when choosing the education you want for your children.

* Data collection for the Futurity Investment Group Cost of Education Index was undertaken by McCrindle. The Index is a collection of quantitative data collected in an online survey. The survey was sent to 1,525 Australian parents with children in school and had quotas set for a proportionate sample of across the states and territories and school stage (primary or secondary).


**Estimates of future long-term education costs projected over a 13-year period are provided as a guide only and are population weighted. Being estimates the actual cost of education for a particular child or school sector or particular period cannot be guaranteed.


Further information about the research methodology, assumptions, and results can be accessed here.