Savings and Investment Calculator Assumptions and Disclaimer
The purpose of this calculator is to help you see how much you could save over time, or how long it will take to reach your savings goal based on the information you put into the calculator. The results are an estimate only and are not guaranteed. We have made assumptions when producing the calculations, the main assumptions being:
- We assume each year is divided into 12 months, 4 quarters or 2 half years of equal length, that you make your regular savings at the start of each period (monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or annually as you select), and that you do not make any withdrawals.
- The calculator makes no allowance for inflation (we suggest you allow for future price increases when setting your goal).
- The calculator uses a constant rate of return for the full period, compounding monthly, with each month being exactly 30 days (some months are, of course, longer or shorter than this, and this will affect total calculations).
- The calculator does not calculate any fees and assumes that the Rate of Return is net of any applicable fees. A fund tax rate of 30% is applied to the Rate of Return (the actual tax rate may well be lower than this, thus resulting in higher potential earnings).
- The prefilled return rates for the Risk Measures are based on the Vanguard Wholesale Fund Benchmark 10 year returns as at end of June 2024. These returns have then been reduced by an estimated total management fee figure for a Futurity Education Bond (refer 'Fees and Other Costs' in the current PDS). You should note that past returns are not a reliable indicator of future performance.
- We round monetary amounts to the nearest dollar.
This calculator is a guide only and provides information of a general nature. It does not take into account your objectives, your financial situation or needs. Before making any financial decision based on this information consider its appropriateness in light of your own objectives, financial situation or needs, read the appropriate Product Disclosure Statement and related target market determination (both accessible on our website) and consider obtaining professional advice if needed.
Futurity Investment Group Limited ABN 21 087 648 879, AFSL 236665 is the product issuer of Futurity’s Education Bonds.